Support for cheats and hacks

How to use cheats and hacks
You need a program to handle the .rar files. Vi recommend you to download WinRar or 7-Zip.
When you have unpacked the files, most of the times you will have a readme.txt file. The instructions for the hack is in this file, read it and follow the instructions! If the readme.txt file is missing, then extract the files anywhere but the Steam/game folder! Then open the hack and start the game. The hack should work now. Typically you press the INSERT, DELETE or HOME key to activate the cheat/open the cheat-menu (often you can also read this in the readme).
What if it does not work?
- Always download the newest and most updated cheat you can find. Old hacks may be blocked by VAC.
- Always read the readme.txt file and follow the instructions!
- If it still does not work, after you did what the readme said, then check if you are running CS in OpenGL mode (almost every hack for CS only works in OpenGL). To run your CS in OpenGL, go to "Options -> Video -> Renderer" and choose OpenGL. Notice that not all graphic cards supports OpenGL.
- Some hacks require that you have .NET Framework installed to work. Be sure to have this installed and updated.
- Try running the cheat as administrator, right click on the file and choose "Run as Administrator".
- Do you have a program for unpacking .rar files, such as WinRAR or 7-Zip?
- Do you have the newest and most up to date version of the hack?
- If you are playing CS, does your game run in OpenGL mode?
- Do you have .NET Framework installed and updated?
- Have you tried "Run as Administrator" and Compatibility Mode
- Download WinRar or 7-Zip
- Download .NET Framework
Launching Variables
- Run the cheat before launching the game, create your own game and join it
- Launch Counter-Strike, make your own game and join it, run the cheat before launching Counter-Strike (After selecting a team)
- Launch Counter-Strike, make your own game and join it, run the cheat launching Counter-Strike (Before selecting a team)
- Launch Counter-Strike, run the cheat, join a server
- Launch Counter-Strike, join a server, run the cheat (Before selecting a team)
- Launch Counter-Strike, join a server, run the cheat (After selecting a team)
Gaming Preferences
- Repeat all those steps in compatibility mode
- Repeat all those steps as "Run as Administrator"
- Repeat all those steps with In-Game GUI on/off
- Try a different resolution for gaming 800x600, 1024x768, etc.
- Turn 16 bit on/off, change to 32 bit (found in options)
System Variables
- Update or download .NET framework
- Update your DirectX, check from Microsoft
- Update your graphics card drivers (links if you have NVedia or ATI)
- Update your Windows with all possible hot fixes
- Try Disable your Anti-Virus and Firewall (be sure the cheat does not contain any virus!)
If your game disconnects
If you are getting disconnected when trying to activate a cheat in-game, UNBIND all of these keys (write in console):
- unbind f7
- unbind f8
- unbind f9
- unbind f10
- unbind f11
- unbind f12
If you are using Windows Vista/Win7
Users who are using Windows Vista or Windows 7 may have problems with some hacks. First try to run the program as an administrator. If this does not work, this can sometimes be solved by running the cheat in Compatibility Mode.Compatibility Mode
1. Right click on the .exe file and choose "Properties", then select the Compatibility tab.2. Check the "Run this program in compatibility mode for:", and choose "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)" in the drop down.
3. Click OK!

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Newest hacks

Newest hacks
- Flautists ESP v3 (CS 1.6)
- Unreal-Stealth Public v8 (CS 1.6)
- [SOH] CS1.6 Hack v3 (CS 1.6)
- 100Proof CSGO V1.0 (CS:GO)
- NXG CSGO Public V4.6 (CS:GO)
- CS:GO Material Wallhack (CS:GO)
- P7 v3.9 (CS Source)
- NXG CSS Public V4.6 (CS Source)